
debris from Japan


Made in Japan -
the debris washes ashore
in Alaska

Japan’s Tsunami Debris Washes Ashore in America

It's been nine months since a tsunami devastated Japan and killed more than 15,000 people. Debris from the disaster is washing ashore thousands of miles from the epicenter, in places you may not expect including right here in America. Last week on the coast of Washington state, nine polyethylene buoys that belonged to a Japanese oyster farmer surfaced.

The debris traveled more than 4,500 miles across the Pacific Ocean to reach the West Coast. Oceanographers say this will not be the last of the debris to wash ashore in the U.S. They say we can expect to see more debris off the coast of California and southern Alaska in the coming years.

It's estimated that 100 million tons of debris, including everything from car parts to furniture to and anything that floats could wash ashore. Human body parts may also be found in the debris, kept afloat by athletic shoes. People who find the personal items are asked to contact authorities, so that they may try and return them to their proper owners.
source : news.yahoo.com/blogs


There are more horror stories about Japan in the foreign press, as usual.

Medical Journal Article:
14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout
Impact Seen As Roughly Comparable to Radiation-Related Deaths After Chernobyl; Infants Are Hardest Hit, With Continuing Research Showing Even Higher Possible Death Count.
Authors Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman

. climate-connections.org .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .


The first line of the poem is inspired by the comment from a "friend", which was quite a shock to read for me.


. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .



Anonymous said...

krass, aber es sollte ja irgendwo wieder auftauchen . . .


Anonymous said...

Who pays for the removal of the debris? Certainly not the Tea Party.

American friend