
camellia in first snow


camellia in first snow -
a sight to share
with facebook friends

snowing with
a laughing face-

Aju Mukhopadhyay

Tiffany stained glass
delicate but strong
pink frosted camellia

Lisette Root

snow of blossom
gentle gem
the camellia

Isabelle Loverro

just before dawn
frost creeps silently
on a pink camellia

Hideo Suzuki

frosted camelia
the dancers‘ skirt
higher and higher

Stella Pierides

first frost -
a girl picks
the last camellia

Letitzia Iubu


born too soon
frost and camellia collide . . .
silent white

Elaine Andre

初霜の The first frost of the season
白き静寂 White silence
寒椿 Camellia in coldness

Esho Shimazu

. my Facebook Friends .

. my Photo Album of First Snow .

tsubaki Camellia and Sasanka are tough ones, they flower all winter in my garden and in Japan.

. WKD : tsubaki つばき 椿 Camellia .


early morning sun -
a frozen bud
thaws into life

..... Morgensonne -
..... eine gefrorene Knospe
..... taut ins Leben

my garden in 2004


. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .


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