. Legends about Cedar trees .
is a monotypic genus of conifer in the cypress family Cupressaceae formerly belonging to the family Taxodiaceae; it includes only one species,
Cryptomeria japonica (syn.: Cupressus japonica L.f.).
It is endemic to Japan, where it is known as Sugi (Japanese: 杉).
The tree is often called Japanese Cedar in English, though the tree is not related to the cedars (Cedrus).
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. WKD : kigo for late spring
sugi no hana 杉の花 (すぎのはな) cedar blossoms
sugi no kafun 杉の花粉(すぎのかふん)cedar pollen
sugi nae 杉苗(すぎなえ)cedar seedlings
kigo for early summer
sugi ochiba, sugiochiba 杉落葉(すぎおちば)
fallen needles (leaves) of cedar
kigo for late summer
Sanpuu Ki 杉風忌 (さんぷうき) Sanpu Memorial Day
Koiya Ki 鯉屋忌(こいやき)"Carp Dealer" Day
. Sugiyama Sanpu 杉山杉風 (Sampu) .
June 13.
One of the 10 important disciples of Basho.
. WKD : kigo for late autumn
sugi no mi 杉の実 (すぎのみ) nuts from the cedar
..... sugideppo 杉鉄砲(すぎでっぽう)"cedar cannon"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. WKD : kigo for all winter

sugiyaki 杉焼 (すぎやき)"preparing food in a cedar box"
or wrapped in a piece of cedar bark 杉板焼き
ootsubu kotsubu .......... 大粒小粒
sugi no eda .......... 杉の枝

dripping rain
in big drops, small drops –
a cedar branch
Regen -
grosse Tropfen, kleine Tropfen
vom Zedernast
. dripping rain haiku from Tanjo-Ji
Visit on October 2004
More about the temple Tanjoo-Ji in Okayama:
. Tanjo-Ji 誕生寺 Okayama
Daruma made from Yakusugi, Cedar from Yakushima

source : yakusugido.com

. . . CLICK here for Yakusugi Photos !
Yakusugi (屋久杉)
is a Japanese cedar that grows on the mountain 500 metres above sea level. The term "Yakusugi" refers to trees that are more than 1,000 years old. Those less than 1,000 years are called "kosugi." (lit. small Japanese cedar)’. The Japanese cedars in Yakushima may also be referred to as "jisugi" (literally: "locally grown cedars")’, but this also encompasses the kosugi, and is a regional dialect.
In general, the Japanese cedar lives for about 500 years, but Yakusugi lives much longer. Yakusugi that grows on less nutritious granite grows slowly and is grained very tightly. It contains much resin due to Yakushima's high rainfall and high humidity, making it harder to rot. As a result, these trees tend to have longer lives, and many larger trees have been around for more than 2,000 years. Famous examples include the Jōmon-sugi, Kigen-sugi and Wilson stumps, named for their discoverer.
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. Yakusugi handicraft - Introduction .
Cedar trees of Sado Island 佐渡の杉

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Mida no sugi 弥陀の杉
- also called
Darumasugi 達磨杉 / だるま杉

平沢弥陀の杉 Hirasawa no Mida no Sugi
In 蔵王町 Zao (Miyagi 宮城県)
there was an 阿弥陀堂 Amida Hall, now abolished, and on the bottom of its hill there was a huge tree. People come here to pray for becoming pregnant and having an easy birth.
- reference -
. WKD : Tree (ki, jumoku) forest
. Legends about Cedar trees .
. Tengu, sugi 天狗と杉と伝説
Legends about Tengu Goblins and Cedar trees .
Namu Amida Butsu 南無阿弥陀仏
More about this temple in the rain, Tanjoo-Ji and Haiku from Issa.
the main temple's roof
dripping long raindrops...
evening cool
hondoo no naga amadare ya yuusuzumi
by Issa, 1818
An amadare is an eavesdrop: a large drop of water falling from a roof's overhang.
Tr. Davis Lanoue
Hi Gabi,
The photo is beautiful.
I think this is exactly Issa's image, except that his scene takes place in the evening.
Glad you liked it, David sensei !
dripping long raindrops
shime sageshi sugi no shinboku kafun maku
the sacred cedar tree
with the sacred rope
scatters its pollen . . .
Murakami Tatsuyoshi 村上辰良
about divine trees
Legends about sugi cryptomeria trees
Miyagi 気仙沼市 Kesennuma
羽田神社 Hada Jinja
In front of the shrine there are two huge pine trees facing each other.
They are 太郎坊の杉 Tarobo-no-sugi and Jirobo-no-sugi 次郎坊の杉.
Tarobo-sugi has a diameter of almost 7 meters.
Legend from Miyagi
Shōnai 山形 - 庄内 - 伝説 Shonai Yamagata Legends
ryuu no hone 龍の骨 bones of a dragon
In Shonai town, in the Meiji period there was a 巨杉 huge cedar tree between the waterfall and the 不動堂 Fudo Hall, but during a strike of lightning it burned down. In its ashes there where almost two buckets full of white bones. The local gossip says these were the bones of a dragon who had lived below the tree.
Legend about salmon king from
陸前高田市 Rikuzen Takata, Rikuzentakata
A tale of the Hanawa family 旧家羽縄(ハナワ)家
Legend from Shiga, Minakuchi
Behind Shrine 八坂神社 Yasaka Jinja is the Ryuu-ga-mori 竜ヶ森 Dragon Forest.
There stood a huge sugi 杉 cedar tree which 6 people could hardly cover with their arms around it. A dragon lived in this tree. The tree was hit twice by lighting, and at the second time, the Dragon went back to heaven.
This special tree broke down during the Isewan Typhoon.
Nearby is a Ryuu-ga-ido 竜ヶ井戸 "Dragon Well" which is used for amagoi 雨乞い rain prayers.
Kobayashi Issa
suemono no sugi no ha soyogu hatsu shigure
the leaves of the
porcelain cedar tremble...
first winter rain
Tr. David Lanoue
Legend from Yamagata, Mogami
最上郡 Mogami district 金山町 Kaneyama
Fudo Sama no Sugi no Ki 不動様の杉の木 cedar tree of Fudo
Once upon a time someone cut down the sacred cedar tree of Fudo. When Fudo wanted to come down and rest on his tree, he found it gone and was very sad and angry about it.
The man who cut it down and the man who bought the wood both became ill. River Mogamigawa, where the stem was floated down to Sakata, begun to swell and flooded the town.
Legend from Kochi .......................................................................
長岡郡 Nagaoka district 西豊永村 Nishi-Toyonaga
tsue 杖 walking staff
When Gyoki Bosatsu came to the Yakushi Do Hall in Nishi-Toyonaga on his way to climb the mountain, he planted his walking staff into the ground. It grew larger and larger and is called
sakasa sugi 逆さ杉 upside-down cedar tree
Iwakura no Chichi Sugi 岩倉乳房杉 "Iwakura Boob Tree"
Located east of the foot of Mt. Omachiji, this interestingly named tree is estimated to be about 800 years old. The locals hold festivals in honor of this sacred tree every year on April 23rd. From the cedar tree hangs 24 very rare limestone roots, each measuring around 2.6 meters in length that continue to grow. During the rainy season, tiny roots grow out of the tips of these limestone roots to release the excess water.
There is a torii gateway at the entrance, and the surrounding trees create an even more mystical atmosphere, especially after it rains.
Address: Fuse, Okinoshima, Oki District, Shimane Prefecture 685-0412
Legend from Iwate 軽米町 Karumai
sugi no tatari 杉の祟り curse of the Japanese cedar tree
There was a Shinboku in the forest, but one villager cut it down. He died soon after. The person who bought the wood became blind.
To bread the curse the villagers had to offer prayers at the local Wakamiya Hachiman 若宮八幡 shrine.
Legend from Tokyo, Arakawa ward
arasoi sugi 争い杉 dispute about a cedar tree
Once upon a time, Ota Dokan and another Samurai saw a tree, and one said "It is a 杉 cedar", while the other said "It is a matsu 松 pine".
It turned out to be a cedar, so Dokan killed the samurai and the tree was named "disputed cedar tree", "cedar to fight about".
Legend from Tokoy, 神津島 Kozushima island
Once a man cut down sugi no ki 杉の木 an old cedar tree of more than 100 years, where Yamanokami (and his alter-ego, 大天狗・小天狗 Big and Small Tengu) reside).
The deity got very angry about loosing its home and killed all the members of the wood cutter's family.
To show his regret and apology, he planted a new tree.
Legend from Ishikawa 富来町 Togi town
At the Kannon Hall on 高爪山 Mound Takatsume there is a statue of Yakushi Nyorai
which had been found in 荒木の海 the sea near Araki.
Every year on the main ritual on the 18th day on June
there is a "dragon lantern" to be seen on the large Sugi tree in the compound.
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