.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Spiders in Paradise
Spider is a kigo for summer.
Let me tell from my own experience living out here in the countryside, how I came to understand the Japanese kigo for ANTS and SPIDERS as summer. Living here in an old farmhouse is a lot like living in the Edo period, when most Japanese kigo where perceived.
Surely we have spiders all year round, but in summer, they are at their best. They are everywhere and every morning when I go out to get the newspaper I run into Aunt Eulalia, who has been putting up her net between the beams of the entrance doorway, again and again.
Her many sisters are hanging between the flowers luring mosquitoes, her hairy uncles, Mr. Crab and his tarantula friends, are coming down from the bamboo roof to partake of our food and life... In winter, they are seldom guests.
Meet some of my special friends, like Mr. Crab and Madame Eulalia.
My best friend, Lady Eulalia, the yellow one with the long legs, has choosen to wait for me. She uses to sit there in her net and run to shelter under a leaf when she sees me coming to water the flowers. My shadow on her net tells her its time to run.
watering flowers -
the spider's hammock
filled with diamonds
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. rain's over
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. the web of my spiders turned
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. strings of diamonds
Read some Zen musings about this topic.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Three make a story
> under the stone
> who might that be
> in the shadow?
> neatly folded
> Madame Spider
> showing a leg
> nosy tomcat
> the stone takes
> a shower
sharing my toothbrush
the huge spider
Thus beginneth another bright summer morning... :o)
hanging on
amongst autum leaves
a pregnant spider
fest haengend
zwischen dem Herbstlaub
eine schwangere Spinne
.....................................Here are her babies
.. .. .. a first spider
.. .. .. dangles in my view -
.. .. .. circles of life
March 31, 2005
dark morning -
the fate of a spider
on my wall
! LOOK !
September 2006
late autumn sun -
miss spider still dangles
in mid-air
October 2006
a dark spider
in a dark night ...
September 2009
stretching a leg
for the beauty competition -
my Lady Eulalia

Click on the photo to see the whole set
Lady Eulalia in November 2009
Some spider haiku from friends.
cosmos --
suspended from sunbeams
a tiny spider
Look at him here at a haiga by Ashe
© ORIGA Olga Hooper
war in Iraq -
a spider hides
in the cherry blossom
from 2007 onwards !!!!!
More about Spiders as kigo in Haiku is here:
Spiders ... (kumo, Japan)
Spiders ... (kumo, Japan) Spider web, Cob web. Spinne
Baby Spiders:
Gabi san,
After few days, scattered baby spiders reach at the big Nail of Buddha .
All be allowed to make a living on the Palm of Buddha.
Thanks Sakuo San!
My Stone Buddha is always a home for spiders! I hope to catch some this year (on photo, I mean...:o).
i really like your spider haiku....
When i was a child i was very scared of spiders, now i realy enjoy them. Though not the day i watched a spider eating his live prey right in front of my computer window...i could not take my eyes away for a few seconds, but had to leave the room and when i returned both were gone.
Outside my window
a spider and her husband --
loved to death
Angelika Kolompar Bygott
mold on the tile ...
a spider walks out
of its hiding
the bathroom tiles
solitary spider
asleep on the web ~
a passing breeze
spiders in paradise
eat strawberries ~
sing lullaby
to birds
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