。。。Trees, my Best Friends 。。。
We practise a form of Qigong with the trees, jurin kikoo 樹林気功 .
Naturally, viewing special trees in one joy of our traveling experience in Japan. I will try and introduce some of my very dear friends to you.

never be bound
by your roots and twigs -
swirling tree energy
Visiting Koya-San in May 1995. Read more here:
Koya-san in Wakayama
The Mandala Tree at the Mandala Temple
Planted by Kobo Daishi himself, but withered by the time we visited in 2001.

enduring time
without a complaint -
teach me, round tree
Read more about it here:
. Takamatsu Daruma Hunting .

burning desires
fading with time -
trees in Autumn
They are my daily view at the end of our Mandala Valley.

a loving couple
at the end of the journey -
I will write more about this special place later. It is at the end of Western Japan, near Izumo, where the Gods once stood and fished the Japanese islands out of the Ocean.
Meanwhile, read more about happy couples here:
. Loving couples - meoto 夫婦 and takasago 高砂 .

.. .. .. .. learning from the plum -
.. .. .. .. never give up
.. .. .. .. spring blossoming
the tree is so crooked and full of greenish moss, so old and fragile during winter
come spring
come blossoms
prayer flags -
the old pine swayes
. Prayer Flags and Haiku
. . . . .
Click on the following haiku to look at the
Dragon Branches
deepening autumn -
Dragon branches reaching
down to mother earth
useless tree -
too old to move,
I just sit here
Tao of a useless tree

. a holy rope
marks the deity -
a thousand living years .
大麻比古神社,大楠木 Kusunoki
Oasahiko Shrine, Naruto, Shikoku
My album with more Tree pictures:
Some links about old trees in Japan
Celtic worship of trees
Bäume sind Heiligtümer.
Wer mit ihnen zu sprechen, wer ihnen zuzuhören weiß, der erfährt die Wahrheit. Sie predigen nicht Lehren und Rezepte, sie predigen, um das Einzelne unbekümmert, das Urgesetz des Lebens ...
Wer gelernt hat, Bäumen zuzuhören, begehrt nicht mehr, ein Baum zu sein. Er begehrt nichts zu sein, als was er ist. Das ist Heimat. Das ist Glück.
Hermann Hesse
Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth.
They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.
Whoever has learned how to listen to trees no longer wants to be a tree.
He wants to be nothing except what he is.
That is home. That is happiness.
Hermann Hesse , 1918
From "Hermann Hesse: Wandering", translated by James Wright
More is here in English

It is a 12' tree troll,
lovingly carved in memory of the artist's father.
source : shared by JS on facebook
Trees as haiku topics ... ... and kigo with trees
chichi no goto
mata haha no goto
oo natsuki
Like a father
and also like a mother,
the huge summer tree.
Tomiyasu Fusei 富安風生(とみやすふうせい)
(translation by Makoto Ueda)
Prayer Flags, a Haiku Topic
The TREES of Katsuyama
in my neighbourhood
Thank you, Sakuo san!
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