... Clouds in my Haiku Valley ...

forever changing
the clouds
and I
。。。。。。。。。。。。 aki no kumo
。。。。。。。。。。。。 ware o minagara
。。。。。。。。。。。。 kawaritsutsu
...................... cold morning -
...................... the sea of clouds
...................... blankets my valley

after typhoon 22, October 9, 2004
... ... ... ... ... a speck of blue
in the dark clouds -
hope in the sky
... ... ... ... ... ... ein Stueck Blau
in den dunklen Wolken -
Hoffnung am Himmel
a lone pine
protrudes in the clouds –
September sky
............................. eine einsame Zeder
............................. ragt in die Wolken -
............................. Septemberhimmel
white mushrooming clouds
over the green bamboo –
autumn sunset in action

I hope you enjoyed my valley and the changing clouds.
(c) Gabi Greve, 2004

just staring
at some autumn clouds -
a hot cup of tea
October 2005

Look at more of my Cloud Haiku
Clouds at Lake Tomada, Spring 2005
Clouds after the Rain, July 2005
Taketani Pond
Dirty Lake and Clouds, October 2005
Evening Clouds, February 2006
Rainclouds, February 2006
Rainclouds again, March 2006
Autumn Sky, October 2006
Pink Morning Clouds, October 2006 also with Unkai, sea of clouds
Clouds as a Haiku Topic
World Kigo Database
My Daruma Museum ABC Index
Beautiful, Gabi!
The first two are my favorites...
so different, and each is a spectacular
photo with a lovely haiku...
from L. san
Thank you so much.
I really enjoyed these, Gabi.
I also live in a valley and we are often locked in with clouds and mist in the winter, but I have not yet succeeded in getting any photos as effective as yours.
surrounded by mountains
I try to photograph
the icy wind
From J. San.
I keep the camera in the entrance and hurry, hurry...
shunkan no bi 瞬間の美
the beauty of the moment, I call these pictures in my Japanese Gallery.
Thank you, J.
Hi Mark,
thanks a lot for popping in here!
Above the clouds, that is indeed as we live here.
Looking at the back of the hawks, as they cruise below us in the valley.
See you again.
Gabi san, this is top notch!
Great photo, great ku...
then I dropped in to see your Chinese valley photos and haiku...
I'm guessing you used a flash at dusk?
Awesome photos!
Gabi, what gorgeous clouds!
All of them are beautiful...thank you for sharing.
I think I'll make a cup of tea and go back for another look.;-)
what a nice group of photos.
Thanks Gabi!
Thank you all, members of WHCmultimedia!
beautiful series on clouds....
Very nice, Gabi
thank you
BEAUTIFUL Gaby San!!!!!
Colours of the Sky
Sun was yet to appear at dawn
But its light orange scintillating ray
Circled a portion of the sky: first foray
Flying within it were the crows
A picture framed in the shadowy lawn.
After the daybreak grey changed to blue pure
Blue became bright, clouds became white
Big bright cotton white clouds were shaped
White horses galloped in a race in the azure.
At twilight sky was painted fresh
Deep crimson fading orange pale yellow glowing red
Different decors when Sun was drooping its head
So much colour so much chase, many a different phase
Created by superhuman artistic consciousness.
© Aju Mukhopadhyay, India, 2004
Thank you very much, Aju san, for your contribution !
With all pix and haiku these are all creations fostered by love.
Aju Mukhoadhyay
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