abundant autumn flowers -
the yellow butterfly
chooses yellow

Herbstblumenpracht -
der gelbe Schmetterling
waehlt die gelbe
Gabi Greve
© 0410
Dear Gabi san, you have such a beautiful garden! It sure must be your big inspiration. As a gardener, I admire your work with the garden, and with the 'haiku garden' you are creating. Thank you for sharing this beauty!
lovely garden spot. the use of the word "abundant" seems superfluous as the picture shows that abundance quite well.
autumn flowers—
the yellow butterfly
chooses yellow
or maybe not?????
He (or maybe Miss Butterfly) chooses the same yellow flower as her wings are yellow!
I watched this often and am always surpirzed by the correctness of the color choice.
Mimikry to survive, since my cats can not see the butterfly while it is in its yellow cover.
Thanks, anynymous san.
Cette photographie est une découverte, comme d'ailleurs le foisonnement de personnalités du monde " blog ". Bravo.
Dear Gabi,
Thise autumn flowers are gorgeous! And the scenery...is a paradise to me. I love photos of nature...thank you for sharing these. And...I'm so glad that you're a part of the Mandala Oasis. Even though you have other projects going now, it's good to know you're holding the space with us. Be well..
Thanks for your visit, Cheryl!
I am glad to have the mandala project closer now again !
Dear Gabi, new member nice garden u have me also nature lover and its wondrful to c ur creation.
dear Gabi loved the pic of ur garden its wonderful,me too love nature in all its spelndour and glory thank u for sharing this pic.new member
Thanks for stopping by!
Now my garden is waiting for snow ... and it is very cold around here.
This garden is exquisite and I hope that all is well with you. The world. Such turmoil. Preferring to dream the Autumn days away...
Thanks for checking In, Princess!
All is well here, enjoying a beautiful autumn!
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