
before breakfast


- some thoughts on studying Japanese haiku

I studied the saijiki like a vocabulary book, just as I studied the vocabulary of English and Japanese, until the basic vocabulary was strongly encoded in my mind (then forget about the books)
- and after I know basics of the haiku language (vocabulary and a bit of its aesthetic "grammar") I started writing them.

zooka 造化 is good for inspiration,
but then comes the task to putting things into a vocabulary and form for online communication, which needs words (and young fingers to move the keyboard . . .).

Living in many cultures (for me, German, British, Indian and now Japanese) is a constant learning and re-learning, re-conditioning of the mind (words, vocabulary and way thinking).

and now, Frühstück, breakfast, asa-gohan, asa-meshi . . .
you name it.
I eat it.

asa-meshi mae -
I write a short note
for a friend

asa-meshi mae 朝飯前  is a Japanese expression, meaning done with great ease and simple, well, to be done before breakfast, so to speak . . .
and soon off to a busy day ! :o)


Matsuo Basho wrote

造化にしたがひ 造化に帰れ.
"Follow the zooka, return to the zooka."

. zooka - zôka 造化 .

. WKD : Saijiki List .


. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .


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