WKD - Haiku about Hands
The Haiku Foundation
Per Diem for October: Hands-On
Haiku about Hands
“We are a species heavily dependent on our eyes, especially for connection with others and world around us. But our hands also connect, and that connection often reaches the heart. Right now my beloved mother-in-law, who doesn’t see well, is dying, and when you approach her, she reaches out her thin hand to connect.
These haiku about hands touch emotion. ... "
source : www.thehaikufoundation.org
. The Hands of Daruma .
Some thoughts shared by Naotaka Uematsu (FB)
senju-kannon 千手観音 Kannon with one thousand arms / hands
But the reading for this one is 千手 "sen-te"
and here is juubako 重箱 tiered lacquer ware boxes
But 先手is sen-te.
and futate 二手(nite, futate, nishu).
Two hands are 「両手 morote, ryoote, and we don't say "nite".
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. te ni toraba kien namida zo atsuki aki no shimo .
. . . . .
te o uteba kodama ni akuru natsu no tsuki
clapping hands,
and dawnlight in the echo:
summer moon
Tr. Barnhill
I clap my hands
and with the echoes, the day begins to dawn –
the summer moon.
Tr. Ueda
Summer moon –
clapping hands,
I herald dawn.
Tr. Stryk
as I clap my hands
with the echoes,
it begins to dawn
Tr. ?Columbia University
I clap my hands
dawning in the echo
the summer moon
Tr. Joshua Newman
when I clap my hands
they echo with
the summer dawn's moon
Tr. Addiss
when I clap my hands
it seems brighter from the echo
this summer moon
Tr. Gabi Greve
source : t-hideki2
This is the moon on day 23 of the lunar month.
It is just before dawn and Basho claps his hands twice in prayer. It seems the moon is answering his prayer and it gets lighter.
source : itoyo/basho
Before he wrote this haiku about clapping his hands,
Basho had another version:

Memorial Stone at Kusatsu Hot Spring, Shirane Shrine
草津温泉 白根神社
Lively Echo of Wooden Sandals in the Summer Night.
This stone had been erected in 1842, in memory of 150 ago, when Basho wrote this hokku.
source : kusatsu/kusatsuonsen
夏の夜や谺に明くる下駄の音 (different kanji for kodama)
natsu no yo ya kodama ni akuru geta no oto
summer evening —
dawnlight in the echoes
of the clogs
Tr. Barnhill
. . . . .
It is customary to greet the sun deity every morning with two claps of the hand and a bow.
. 天照大神と大日如来 Amaterasu and Dainichi .
At a Shinto shrine it is custom to bow twice,
clap your hands twice and bow once more to greet the deity in residence.
. Kodama, the Tree Spirit .
. Geta, Wooden Sandals, Clogs, 下駄 .
shiwade 皺手 wrinkled hand,
hand of an old person

ume orite shiwade ni kakotsu kaori kana
breaking a plum branch
I fret about my wrinkled hands
in the fragrance . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
mureru hae shiwade ni nanno aji ga aru
swarming flies
how do my hand's wrinkles
Tr. David Lanoue
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
- some of my HAND haiku -

Albrecht Duerer, Praying Hands
smacking a child -
the sound of one hand
a mosquito
aiming noisily -
the sound of one hand
As long as the sun rises
And your heart beats,
Tao is at hand.
bright autumn sky -
the shadow of a hawk
on my hands
carless Sunday -
kids skate on the road holding
hands of each other
Isabelle Prondzynski
- HAND haiku - kigo hotline
morning preps --
I sneeze on my hands
time after time
Dennis Wright
- HAND haiku - Kenya Saijiki
dew on the grasses
cools my hands -
early morning gardening
Hideo Suzuki
Steering the tractor
With my knees ~ my hands warming
Over the exhaust pipe
Res John Burman
the nights are long ...
the warmth of helping hands
Willie Bongky
the sun spots
on her hands --
autumn leaves
Stella Pierides
. . . . .
rain all day -
my hands folded
in prayer
sunrise -
my old neighbour
folds his hands
Morgenrot -
mein greiser Nachbar
faltet die Hände
Gabi Greve
Gandhara Buddha -
his hand is watching
over us
Gabi Greve

Gandhara Buddha
Hanging around my neck
His wisdom in my heart
Res John Burman
- Shared at Joys of Japan - facebook -
. Body Parts and Haiku .
. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .
Matsuo Basho
Nehan-e ya shiwade awasuru juzu no oto
about the Nirvana ceremony
Kobayashi Issa
aki kaze ya uchiwa mo yowaru te mo yowaru
autumn wind--
weakens the fan
weakens the hand
Tr. David Lanoue
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