early dinner -
a thunderstorm deletes
our conversation

Sutoku Tenno, Sotoku 崇徳天皇
(1119 - 1142) Suutoku
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳
Before his ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne, his personal name was Akihito (顕仁).
Sutoku was the eldest son of Emperor Toba.
Some old texts say he was actually the son of Toba's grandfather, Emperor Shirakawa.
After Sotoku's abdication and exile, he devoted himself to monastic life.
He copied numerous scriptures and offered them to the court. Fearing that the scriptures were cursed, the court refused to accept them. Snubbed, Sotoku was said to have resented the court and, upon his death, became a vengeful spirit (onryō).
Everything from the subsequent fall in fortune of the Imperial court, the rise of the samurai powers, draughts and internal unrests were blamed on his haunting.
Alternatively, he was said to have transformed into an Ootengu (greater tengu), whom, along with nurarihyon, the nine-tailed kitsune Tamamo-no-Mae and the oni Shuten-dōji, are often called the four greatest yōkai of Japan.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Matsuo Basho and
. Tamamo no Mae 玉藻前 - Tamamo Gozen 玉藻御前 .
Oku no Hosomichi - Station 9 - Sesshoseki 殺生岩

Sutoku-In, Sutokuin 崇徳院
A rakugo story
- source : Listen on Youtube -
. Minamoto Yoritomo and Sutoku .
. Goryoo Matsuri 御霊祭 for revengeful souls .
Sudo, Sudoo Tenno 崇道天皇 (? - 785)
Mountain thunderstorm...
the tempest's enLIGHTNINGment
at the temple
- Shared by Dennis Chibi -
Joys of Japan, 2012
- - - - - Matsuo Basho - hana no wakare - - - - -
chi ni taore ne ni yori hana no wakare kana
falling to the ground,
returning to the roots:
a flower’s farewell
Tr. Barnhill
Down on the ground,
bowing to the very roots -
farewell to flowers
Tr. Hamill
Written at the death of his Zen teacher, priest Tandoo, Tando 坦堂和尚 Tando in 1686.
Not much is known about this priest.
hana here is a reference to the cherry blossoms in spring.
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
I fall to the ground
closer to the roots to bid farewell
to this cherry blossom . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
MORE - about parting with friends
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

The poem is a honkadori to an waka by
Sutoku-In (Sudoku-In) 崇徳院, the retired Emperor Sutoku (1119 - 1164)
hana wa ne ni tori wa furusu ni kaeru nari
haru no tomari o shiru hito zo naki
The flowers have gone back
to their roots, the birds
to their old nests
Who knows where spring
is gone to rest?
source : www.reocities.com
. Legends of the Heian Period (794 to 1185)
平安時代の伝説 .
. . . at Sagami Oyama there lived a Tengu, 相模坊 Sagami Bo.
Sagami Bo once wanted to console retired emperor 崇徳院 Sutoku-In in his exile in Sanuki (at the end of the Heian period) and had been exiled himself to Kanagawa.
Legends of the Heian Period
hitokui Jizoo 人食い地蔵 Hitokui "man-eating" Jizo
積善院準提堂 Shakuzen-In Juntei-Do
京都市左京区吉田近衛町69 / 69 Yoshidakonoechō, Sakyō-ku, Kyōto
The official name of this Jizo is
Sutoku-In Jizoo 崇徳院地蔵
The pronunciation of Sutokuin changed to Hitokuin and
then finally to ひとくい Hitokui.
Written with Chinese characters, hitokui 人食い comes to mean "man-eating".
This Jizo has been venerated to appease the vengeful spirit of
. Sutoku Tenno, Sotoku 崇徳天皇 (1119 - 1142) .
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