eclipse morning - the paddies as quiet as ever |
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Solar eclipse visible in Tokyo - and in my region around 7:30 in the morning, but the weather forecast is cloudy.
You can follow the proceedings in Japan here in real-time:
source : www.ustream.tv/jp
Annular solar eclipse to start soon - 06:05 JST
A rare eclipse of the Sun that is visible over a wide area of Japan will start soon on Monday morning.
An annular eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are exactly in line. A bright ring, or annulus, forms around the outline of the Moon.
This is the first annular eclipse since one in Okinawa in 1987, and the first in 173 years to be seen in Tokyo. It is the first in 932 years that it will be visible over such a wide area.
The annular eclipse is visible for about 5 minutes in Tokyo and Shizuoka City, which are close to the halfway line of the belt-shaped area where the phenomenon can be seen. The eclipse only lasts for a few seconds near the edges of this belt.
However, a partial solar eclipse, covering 80 to 90 percent of the Sun, can be seen in the rest of the country from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
Observation events are planned across the country. Students at some schools will gather to observe the eclipse in groups.
Cloudy or rainy weather is forecast in many areas where the annular solar eclipse can be seen. But sunny weather is expected in the inland part of the northern Kanto region and southern Nagano Prefecture.

Astronomers are warning people to use special protective glasses or other safe observation methods even if the weather is cloudy, as the Sun may suddenly emerge from the clouds.
Annular eclipse seen across Japan
- NHK 12:52 JST
An annular solar eclipse was visible over a wide area of Japan on Monday morning, giving thrills to observers across the nation.
For the first time in 932 years, the rare astronomical event could be seen from a wide area of Japan including Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. It was seen from Kagoshima Prefecture in the southwest to Fukushima in northeastern Japan.
An annular eclipse occurs when the sun, moon, and Earth are exactly in line. Instead of obscuring the sun, the eclipse creates a bright ring, called an annular, around the moon's silhouette.
In Japan, the moon began sliding in front of the sun from around 6 AM.
At Cape Muroto in western Japan, a partial eclipse began at around 6:15 AM, and the "ring of fire" was formed about one hour later.
The point where the annular eclipse is visible moved from west to east in a quick succession, from Osaka to Nagoya to Tokyo and then Fukushima.
The eclipse was visible in more places than anticipated because the weather cooperated at the last minute, despite forecasts for cloudy skies in many areas.

In Shiojiri, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, NHK cameras caught a high-definition image of Baily's beads --- a spectacle only visible during fleeting moments of the annular eclipse. The image shows beads of sunlight shining through rugged valleys on the edge of the moon.
Observation events were held on land, sea and in the air. Some elementary schools held viewing parties.
Astronomers say the next time an annular eclipse can be seen across such a wide area will be 300 years from now, in 2312.
Zoo penguins call out during eclipse
Penguins in a Japanese zoo had a lot to say during the solar eclipse on Monday. Animal handlers said the birds reacted to the darkening sky with an unusual cacophony of calls.
Sixteen cape penguins in Chiba Zoological Park, near Tokyo, began cackling around 7:40 AM. The moon had just blocked part of the sun and the sky had darkened.
As the penguins looked upward they called out one after another for about five minutes.
The zookeepers said the penguins often make calling sounds for about 30 seconds in the evening. This type of behavior was rare.
Meguro-Gakuin High School teacher Kazuoki Ueda says the bird has a habit of making calling noises at twilight to confirm the location of other penguins.
He says they may have been confused by the sudden darkness. There have been similar reports about penguins in Antarctica, Europe and elsewhere.
source : NHK world news
. March 21, 2012 in Japan .

In Japanese this is
kinkan nisshoku 金環日食 golden ring eclipse
nisshoku can be interpreted as "eat the sun"
a pun with kinkan 金柑, so some stores sold food with the kinkan fruit.
Fortunella japonica

source : www.asahi.com
The store with Kuidaore Taro in Osaka sells specialities and has special sunglasses.
. くいだおれ kuidaore mascot in Osaka .
There is an old saying, Osaka no kui-daore — literally, Osaka people want good food even if they have to go broke for it.

lunar burger 金環日食 バーガー

years of Good Night Moon
and finally she gets revenge:
puts the sun to sleep!
- Shared by Kit Nagamura, Tokyo -
Joys of Japan, 2012
scattered crescents
sparkle all around the garden -
shadows of eclipse
- Shared by Hideo Suzuki -
Joys of Japan, 2012

google japan logo
Rare eclipse delivers spectacle despite cloudy weather
Perfect glowing ring thrills millions nationwide

Time-lapse photography captures Monday's annular eclipse in Tokyo.
Monday's rare annular eclipse wowed millions nationwide as they looked up in the morning sky to witness the astronomical event.
The eclipse started a little after 6 a.m., with the ring forming at 7:20 a.m. in Kyushu and around 7:35 a.m. in Tokyo. It lasted only a few minutes.
While the peak was around 7:35 a.m. and the fiery solar ring was visible through the gray clouds, the observers at Odaiba continued to watch the sky through their colorful eclipse glasses and were awed.
source : Japan Times - May 22, 2012
Spooked lemurs avoid the ground after celestial event
Possibly influenced by the annular eclipse Monday morning, 23 ring-tailed lemurs at the Japan Monkey Center in Inuyama stayed in palm trees and on poles instead of coming down to eat as usual around 7 a.m., said Akira Kato, general manager of the zoo in Aichi Prefecture.
During the eclipse, some of the lemurs seemed overexcited and jumped from tree to tree, he said.
Around 8:45 a.m., near the end of the eclipse, two or three of the lemurs came down to eat weeds, but none of the others were seen eating anything even as late as 1:30 p.m., he said.
source : Japan Times

Photo credit : Toshiaki Saito
solar eclipse -
a ring of flame
fits to your finger
- Shared by Hideo Suzuki -
Joys of Japan, 2012
. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .
1 comment:
Kobayashi Issa
yo wa koo to tsuki mo wazurai tamai keri
such is our world--
even the moon
gets sick!
This haiku refers to the harvest moon eclipse of 1819. Fortunately, the moon's "sickness" (the eclipse) passes soon.
David Lanoue
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