
spring melancholy


only my cats
to keep me company -
spring melancholy

shunshuu 春愁 (しゅんしゅう ) spring melancholy
haru urei 春愁(はるうれい)
haru ureu 春愁う(はるうれう)I feel melancholic in spring

and more
. kigo expressing emotions .


a little later

the last raincloud
rolls out of the valley -
peaceful spring

The Japanese word NODOKA 長閑 and its derivates come in many translations.
It denotes a calm, mild, tranquil, serene, peaceful day of spring.

.Spring peace, mild spring weather (nodoka) .


. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .


1 comment:

Gabi Greve - Darumapedia said...

shunshuu ya tooki ikusa no haniwa bushi

spring melancholy -
this Haniwa soldier
of long times past

高知城 seen at the castle in Kochi

河野南畦 Kano Nankei (1913 - 1995)

and haniwa