
Global Sunrise


early winter morning <>
some unexpected spots
sparkle in sunrays

early winter morning <>
a heavenly spotlight
brightens the valley

Greetings from a super morning in Japan, pink clouds over the valley, the low sunrays fingering around, finding spot after spot ...


mirrored Pacific
his sunset rising
in her east

Good morning Gabi... and sleep tight!

Michael Baribeau, USA


Your answer makes me feel that the globe is round indeed !
Thanks Michael!


Read my Haiku Archives from November 2006


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1 comment:

Gabi Greve said...


shanks of sunlight
roam the country hillocks --
chimney smoke

This was the scene in the chilly morning at the beginning of the
Thanksgiving trip.

Gabi san, your description, "low sunrays fingering around, finding
spot after spot" brought the memory of Thanksgiving. I enjoyed your phasing very much. In my mind, it was as if sunray shiatsu...
ahhhhh... finding spot after spot in the valley! The cold earth
must feel a relaxing effect, ne?

ai... chibi
Thanks, Chibi san, for the sunlight shiatsu !!!
