shall we dance ?
two huge dragons,
still undecided

© NHK Japan
Two typhoons, each with a diameter of more than one thousand ! kilometers, are twisting their legs south of Japan.
Torrential rains are forecast over many parts of Japan in their wake for the next few days. We met some of their clouds in the mountains of Western Japan.

台風16号 Number 16, BEBINCA(バビンカ)
2006年10月6日4時30分発表 台風16号は、6日3時には南大東島の東北東約700Kmにあって、東北東へ毎時30kmで進んでいます。中心気圧は990hPa、中心付近の最大風速は20m/sです。この台風は、6日15時には八丈島の南約450Km、6日夜には八丈島の南東海上で熱帯低気圧に変わる見込みです.
台風17号 Nr. 17, RUMBIA(ルンビア)
2006年10月5日16時30分発表 大型の台風17号は、5日15時には南鳥島近海のにあって、北へ毎時20kmで進んでいます。中心気圧は985hPa、中心付近の最大風速は23m/sです。この台風は、6日15時には南鳥島近海付近へ達する見込みです。7日15時には日本の東へ達するでしょう。8日15時にはアリューシャンの南で温帯低気圧に変わる見込みです.
RUMBA and BEBI on the run !
From Sanyo Shinbun (10月7日9時15分)
東北から北海道で大雨に 低気圧さらに発達し北上
........................................... later in the evening
oh, mister moon !
you are racing so-o-o fast
through the rain clouds
(This haiku is dedicated to Robert Wilson and his Moon Haiku !)

It is full moon night, but the two typhoons, melting into one huge spider net, are covering most of Japan with clouds and strong winds.
Moon Viewing Party at the famous
Korakuen Park in Okayama

More than 4000 people attended a symphony concert in the park and enjoyed the moon between the fast moving clouds.
The photo reflects very well my above haiku of the moon on that night.
中秋の名月 岡山.後楽園で観賞会
Read my Article about
Korakuen Friendship Park in India
Harvest Moon, North America
The Typhoon Archives of my Area
..... ..... 2006年の台風情報 ..... Typhoon Season 2006 .
Read my Haiku Archives from October 2006
Please send me your contributions
To the Daruma Museum Index
To the World Kigo Database
shall we dance ?
two huge dragons,
still undecided
It is very interest haiku that is so unique.
Does it be possible that[two huge dragons]change to [ two hug dragons]?
Dear Gabi san,
Wishing you all protection from the threatening element! May it dissipate over the sea retaining peace at home!
Dancing Dragons-
clouds bow down
to kiss leaping waves
Thanks for your wishes. Seems our part of Japan will be spared the worst.
shall we dance ?
two huge dragons,
still undecided
It is very interest haiku that is so unique.
Does it be possible that[two huge dragons]change to [ two hug dragons]?
October 05, 2006
Nice, Sakuo san, that is a great idea.
shall we dance?
two dragons hug,
still undecided
Take good care, Sakuo san, your part of Japan will be much more influenced by these dragon dancers !
good luck Gabi san ....
the hope that the dragons dont breath fire... but dance a waltz
Well, seems they are walzing over Japan for another 48 hours, from Kyushu to Hokkaido ...
and now is only friday evening for me here.
GOOD LUCK... I hope the dragons dance finish over open water!
Please take care, dear Gabi san.
Dear Gabi san and chibi san
It will be hard rain here from now
I hope not so bad for the rain
Good luck !
Gabi san is alright?
For now, just strong wind and a little rain !
But still 48 more hours to go ... hopefully ...
I hope that they decide to dance on without you as partner.
cloud-spotted sky --
underneath, the city drifts
into the wind
(Brussels 2005)
Hold on to your roof, Gabi san... May the dragons continue their
waltz over the seas!
Good morning, it is saturday now and the night was more quiet than expected ! A great thank you for that! But East and Northern Japan is still in the grips of the dragon dance ...
Hope they sit this one out.
Best, Bill
Mr. Moon Haiku :
a whimsical haiku, Gabi-san!
Your inner child is alive and well.
robert wilson
Great visual, Gabi.
Take care, B.
Full Moon Haiku :
Auch noch vielen Dank fuer das Vollmondphoto mit den schwarzen Wolken in Korakuen aus der Zeitung -- beeindruckend!
Hier kommt der Vollmond
gerade hinter dem Kastanienbaum hervor -- noch 5 Minuten, und ich
sollte ihn sehen koennen.
5 Minuten spaeter :
full moon
rests on the chestnut tree
ready to rise
Vielen Dank, liebe Isabelle, fuer Deine Zeilen und den Kastanien-Mond!
mid-autumn ...
the evening moon
in meditation
two sides to a coin
autumn moon
in the park
moon gathering
the poets
in the lake
sipping sake
the moon
selams to the moon!
love and peace
isa in istanbul
Thanks, Isa san, I hope the moon and storm gods will be appeased!
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