my neighbour down there
spraying apple trees
He is covered in a yellow smelly clowd, which slowly creeps up the hill toward my home.
I run inside and close all the windows.
So much for spring today !
Here in the mountains, they use the word NO CHEMICALS, MU NOOYAKU 無農薬, with a different character, the number six, for
MU む 六.
In other words, spraying six times is still considered NO Chemicals!
For different reasons, I was checking on organic farming regulations worldwide.
Organic Farming in Europa
A new discussion basis for the EU Organic Regulation is to be presented in April. The previous draft regulation published by the EU Commission at the end of December 2005 attracted strong criticism in large parts of Europe.
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
Prince Charles visited the state of Punjab, the Granary of India, at the end of March to give speeches promoting organic farming. He announced the setting up of the Bhumi Vardaan Foundation , which is to support organic agriculture in India. The delegation included financially strong supporters like the Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal.
The British heir to the throne also met organic farmers and agreed to accept processed organic products for his Duchy Originals brand.
Dear Gabi San,
Here's for you may be some food for thought- my reactions to Mr. Charle's gestures.
Modern scientists
introduced chemical farming
and pesticides.
With tails behind the legs
now they run for the organic farming
long known and practised in India.
Winning over the nature
is a ruining proposition-collaborate
and you will get the best.
© Aju Mukhopadhyay, India, 2006
The Africa Organic Service Center (AOSC)
is currently mainly funded by Hivos (Africa Desk) in the form of institutional support. The AOSC activities started in 2004. The AOSC was initially based in Kampala, Uganda, as an interim solution. Since December 2005, it is based in Dakar, Senegal, with Chido Makunike as the AOSC Coordinator.

The AOSC is involved in several projects, such as the OSEA (Regional Cooperation for Organic Standards and Certification Capacity in East Africa) project funded by SIDA, or the project “Increasing incomes and food security of small farmers in West and Central Africa through export of organic and fair-trade tropical products”, a project implemented by FAO, for which the AOSC coordinator is part of the steering committee.
organic farming -
fighting drought, heat, flooding
and the locusts
The Kenya and Africa Saijiki
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1 comment:
organic honey he says
pointing to a beehive
in my balcony!
-kala ramesh
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