Teaching Children
Here is a great book that will tell you all the tricks of the trade.
Haiku: Asian Arts and Crafts for Creative Kids
by Patricia Donegan

Editorial Reviews
Although this looks like a picture book for young readers, it is actually a comprehensive introduction to haiku that poetry students of many ages can enjoy. Donegan, a poet who lives in Japan, begins by explaining basic concepts (what it means to "look though haiku eyes") before she goes on to describe the seven elements of traditional haiku.
The remainder of the book offers haiku projects and exercises, accompanied by lengthy explanations, hints, and even word charts to help children create poems. The somewhat stilted color illustrations may put off older readers, and some exercises contain fill-in-the-blank sections, a format that's not ideal for library circulation.
But Donegan presents a great deal of information clearly and with authority, and her enthusiasm for her subject is contagious, particularly when she describes what writing haiku encourages us to do: "see and appreciate the world around us more." A glossary and a haiku resource guide round out this excellent choice for children as well as teachers seeking fresh materials for poetry units.
Gillian Engberg
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Teaching Poetry in General
............................... haiku are:
Very short: just three lines usually fewer than twenty syllables long.
Descriptive: most haiku focus sharply on a detail of nature or everyday life.
Personal: most haiku express a reaction to or reflection on what is described.
Divided into two parts: as they read haiku aloud, students should find that each includes a turning point, often marked by a dash or colon, where the poet shifts from description to reflection, or shifts from close-up to a broader perspective.
Teaching Haiku : Can You Haiku?
Haiku are best as three lines, short - long - short
better not attempt to make it 5-7-5 sylables, it dose not fit other languages than Japanese.
Read my explanation:
THEORY : Why 5-7-5 ? or rather, why not !
Some beginners advise from Gabi:
Try to get out with a notebook and pencil in hand.
Make notes about all the big and small things that come your way.
Make the notes fit into two lines, either
long / short
short / long
Soon you will have a good colletion of " haiku seeds " ( haiku no tane ).
Back home you can consult your saijiki to find an appropriate kigo to enhance the mood of what you were observing. Thus your kigo vocabulary will improve over time.
This kind of "composing" haiku is called "combining of images" (toriawase).
The combination of the two ideas must not be too close, but also not too far removed either to reverberate with each other.
If you write haiku with no combined images (toriawase), but only one theme (idea) in three lines (ichibutsu jitate), you will have to focus your lense on the subject at hand very very VERY closely to find an image that is quite unique and that has not been expressed yet in haiku before.
toriawase ... combining two images
often translated as "juxtaposition"
...................................... Some Links
Teaching Haiku Poetry
Michael P. Garofalo
(not all links given are up to date any more)
2nd Grade ... 3rd Grade ... 4th Grade ... 5th Grade 6th Grade ... 7th Grade ... 8th Grade ... 9th Grade 10th Grade ... 11th Grade ... 12th Grade General - Children ... General - Adult ... College Quotations
Aloha Basho ! Teaching kids in Hawaii
A long PDF file, takes time to load, but very instructive!
Japanese Haiku Poetry Resources
Resources and Links Separated by Age
source : www.card1616.com

in the order as I found them
Teaching Haiku 01 Spring
Teaching Haiku 02 Autumn
Teaching Haiku 03 : Japan, Patrice M. Flynn
Teaching Haiku 04 : Ocean
Teaching Haiku 05 : Can You Haiku?
Teaching Haiku 06 : by Anita Matson
Teaching Haiku 07 : Master Basho’s Spirit
Teaching Haiku 08 : The Rhythm of Haiku
Teaching Haiku 09 : A Bibliography of Haiku Poetry
...................... More reading for adults, my own essays:
One Haiku, two Ideas The Basics
English Spelling and Punctuation
One-Line Haiku : three sections, three lines
THEORY : Counting on your fingers: 5-7-5 Cultural Differences
THEORY : Why 5-7-5 ? or rather, WHY NOT in English!
Japanese Spelling and the Hepburn System Romaji
Tips for a GINKOO, a Haiku Walk 吟行
Technical Support and
My Haiku Theory ARCHIVES
External LINKS
Thanks to Linda Papanicolaou, August 2012
Learning About Haiku - Helpful Links
The Haiku Foundation
source : www.thehaikufoundation.org
Haiku Composition Exercises & References
Ray Rasmussen
source : raysweb.net
Learning Haiku - Essays Graceguts
source : graceguts
Becoming a Haiku Poet - Graceguts
source : graceguts/essays
Michael Dylan Welch
Writing & Editing Workshop, by Randy M. Brooks
World Children's Haiku JAL
November 2006, a Japanese Haiku Lesson
I attended a lesson of our local Misaki Grammar School, where a Japanese teacher was introducing the 18 kids how to make haiku for the first time. After explaining shortly about 5 7 5 which the kids knew from reading haiku, he gave some examples of kigo. Kireji were not introduced at this first lesson.
Now he gave the kids sheets with little boxes, divided in 5 7 5 from top to bottom. Writing in hiragana, they could make perfect haiku. They were asked to use only two sets of boxes, either the first and second one (5 7) or the second and third one (7 5) to write anything they were inspired to, considering the following:
The line they did not use should read either :
ureshi na, tanoshi na (it makes me happy)
kanashi na (it makes me sad)
After about 10 minutes, all had made their sentences within the boxes. Now the teacher gave them some examples to exchange the happy/sad lines for an appropriate kigo. Since we are now at the change of seasons, they could use either autumn or winter kigo.
The happy ones would be for example
high autumn sky, bright winter day
the sad ones were more in the versions of
fallen leaves of the persimmon tree, winter rain and such.
The kids got time again to erase the happy/sad lines and replace them with a kigo of their choice.
The results of this lesson will be announced next week, when we have the official KUKAI, haiku meeting.

The whole lesson, inlcuding my talk about the international side of worldwide haiku and introducing them to their very own haiku page
Misaki School Haiku Club
美咲中央小学校 俳句 活動
lasted more than two hours and I was surprized at the eagerness of these little ones (about 11 and 12 years), hoping to get their haiku online next week.
They studied the globe, finding Germany, America, India and Kenya! And wondered why it was time for spring kigo in Australia now.
Introducing them to Worldwide Haiku will surely make a big difference in their small country lives.
In the follow-up session, the Kukai, children were asked to comment on the anonymous haiku. They had to stand up and state their mind, quite a feast for any Japanses! I thought it was the best part of it, kind of social training.
秋うらら 世界一周 一しゅんで
bright autumn day -
around the world
in just one moment
五年 M.T. 5th grade
Gabi Greve, November 2006
. Lesson and Poem by
Sandra Jordan .
Since writing Haiku requires only a few words, every word is very important.
The language used should be pure and simple, and it does not have to rhyme.
Haiku Doo 俳句道 。。。
hontou ni (you have given back to me the first lesson I teach...
haha... and I am a new student again...
this is the best lesson,
thank you, Gabi san, from my empty heart)
deep bow
ai... chibi
One Exercise
(by Timothy Russell)
This is a training exercise. It helps condition the muscles necessary for making haiku.
Write down what month this is.
Next to the month write another single word that names or indicates some feature of today (sun, rain, moon, clouds, wind, whatever).
Now look out the window, or go outside.
Without thinking too much (or at all, if you can manage) write a short description of any detail you see (any thing and/or any action).
Look in another direction. Write a short description of any detail you see (thing and/or action).
Turn your head and write down another detail.
Do this at least 7 more times.
When you have at least ten (TEN) little descriptive phrases, none of them longer than a single short sentence, please, go to a comfortable spot and choose one of your phrases and write part of it on the line immediately beneath the line you wrote when you first started.
Write the rest of your chosen phrase on the line beneath that one.
Skip a line.
Write down the same month and the same detail of today you used on the first line.
Write part of one of the remaining phrases on the next line.
Write the rest of that phrase on the following line.
Do this until you run out of phrases.
This is only an exercise, not a test. Do not pass any judgements on yourself, on your performance, or on what you have written. Do the best you can.
November trees
shadows stretching all the way
across the lawn
November trees
a white car speeding along
the river road
Put this sheet of paper with at least ten (TEN) little balls of words out of sight. You do not need to think about them at all for a while.
Tomorrow, repeat this exercise. Completely. Don't think.
The day after tomorrow, repeat this exercise. Don't think.
On the fourth day, after you complete your exercise, take out the first sheet and read it several times (three or four is enough), and put it away.
On the fifth day, read the second sheet.
In one week, a single week, just seven days, you will have taught yourself more about haiku than it's possible for anyone else to teach you.
Timothy Russell
haiku verses ...
the tree and I lean
against each other
onto my empty page
an autumn leaf
:>) Ella Wagemakers
... experience in working with children on the rehabilitation their speech and dealing with their language difficulties through haiku.
Zrinka Simunovic, RO
the Ultimate Aim of Haiku Education
Susumu Takiguchi
September 2007
It seems that this max 17 word poetry format from Japan has become a worldwide cross-cultural game aimed at discovering personal meaning- here are some quotes from an amazing talk at one of the world haiku congresses held in Romania http://www.worldhaikureview.org/ 5-1/whf2005/whf2005_takiguchi.ht m
...What is education? In a sense it is as serious an act for one human being to educate another as for one human being, say, to judge another. Both affect the other person fundamentally and almost forever. Nowadays, education means mainly the process of teaching at schools and through the university system. In olden times, education seems to have had two aspects in the original terminology.
One was, according to its Latin meaning, to bring up, rear, foster or train (educare), like bringing up a child or training an apprentice, in other words a much broader sense.
And the other was to lead out, or, as in a modern English word, educe, to bring out, elicit or evoke (educere), like "all things were educed from the ancient slime" (OED), namely to help people to realise themselves with their innate talents and qualities extracted. Both are derivatives from the Latin ducere, meaning to lead. These two aspects are very instructive when we think of the main theme of this year's World Haiku Festival: "Haiku and Education."
...I happen to believe that haiku, or something like a primordial sensibility for haiku, is actually in every one of us, regardless of race, culture, language or religion. Put another way, if we compare haiku to cooking, its ingredients are to be found in every one of us. We only have to cook it. And like food, every haiku tastes different, unless, that is, one gets it from McDonald's.
You, as haiku poets from various countries, are living testimonies to this. The question, then, is how to extract haiku from within ourselves, and this question relates to the second aspect of education as applied to haiku
haiku has played a useful role in education in various ways. The evidence is abundant. It ranges from school curricula that make the teaching of haiku to children compulsory to cases where haiku is used for an educational programme in prisons.
Haiku in education has been one of the most important policy areas of the World Haiku Club since the club's inception in 1998. In the first World Haiku Festival back in 2000 in London and Oxford, a special seminar was organised that was exclusively devoted to this theme. Our members are disseminating haiku among children across the world through school systems or by holding workshops, ginko or kukai all the time. Children are natural haiku poets even before they know anything about it.
There are many interesting things to discuss under the theme of "Haiku and Education." However, today I would like to try to examine with you what I believe to be one of the ultimate aims of education as applied to haiku. This particular aim of education is to provide each person with ways in which he or she can try to reach truths.
Science provides ways in which to explore scientific truths through experiments. Philosophy provides philosophical truths through contemplation. Arts — artistic truths through pictorial or musical language. What, then, does haiku provide? I believe that haiku provides ways in which we can explore what I call poetic truths, or truths found and expressed in the haiku language.
Here I am talking about what Basho was seeking both in his writing and teaching of haikai-no-renga and hokku, namely, fuga no makoto, or poetic truths. One of Basho's disciples, Hattori Dohoh, went so far as to say that haikai became capable of reaching truths for the first time with Basho because his haikai was not that of the old but haikai of makoto, namely truths.*
I am sure you will agree with me when I say that haiku opens up for us a very different way of looking at things around us. You probably can never forget the first time when a haiku poem hit you and suddenly you were experiencing something totally new and different.
Perhaps you remember that particular haiku by heart. As you walked along the haiku path since then and were consciously or unconsciously acquiring a different outlook from your usual views, haiku must have changed you permanently even in the subtlest way. The world, it seems, would not be the same again. You would not see nazuna (a shepherd's purse) or a spider in the same way again. You would not feel the same again when you get wet with spring rain or hit by hail.
You would not look up at the sky in the same way again, as you would become more conscious of the moon or the Milky Way all the time. You would not pass narcissi by without trying to find if they were bent by the first snow.
Thus haiku can teach children or any other learners a totally new way of looking at the world around us. If they are deeply moved by what they see, it is likely that they have hit some haiku gold mine. And if they can put such poetic experience in a few right haiku words, then they will probably achieve fuga no makoto, or poetic truths.
children's play -
writing haiku without
For Laura, who just wrote a book called
"chess is child's play" ...
Lighting the Global Lantern:
A Teacher’s Guide to Writing Haiku
Terry Ann Carter
ISBN: 098654731X
Product Description:
This guide for secondary school and college educators leads them through the history, forms, and beauty of Japanese poetry. Most of the work is on haiku, but there are also chapters on haibun, tanka, and haiga. Traditional and contemporary examples of all four forms appear throughout, along with ideas for classroom instruction and a wealth of print and web-based resources.
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