

brushing my teeth -
staring at that monster
in the mirror

The dentists suggest to take more time and to use various different angles for the toothbrush ...

Here is another haiku of the toothbursh time

sharing my toothbrush
the huge spider

>> Thus beginneth another bright summer morning ... :o)


Comments by my friends

Oh Gabi,
this one made me laugh!
And of course I recalled one of my favorites by Issa:

through what teeth
I have left
autumn's wind whistles

Then I started thinking about my own condition...

vacancy --
in a glass

Hee hee...


The teeth haiku were all just a little too funny right now. I had oral surgery yesterday and had two teeth and a bunch of bone removed. Issa is just a little too close for comfort!

bruises, bone splinters
blood, will make me
all better

donation to gargantuan
tooth fairy, they say
'less is more'

~ Winnie Cross


"the teeth
in my hand
seem to smile"

at my new teeth
in the mirror



For all of the users of third teeth set, here is a pot with DARUMA to keep them over night !

Happy Haiku about the Teeth Monster

Arita Pottery and Daruma


More Happy Haiku from April 2006


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