it all started from here:
your fool !
the tea is still hot
Of course we enjoy the tea outside, with a few tiny frogs and other friends along on the table. This one was just too nosy. Ouch!
This ku was first called “happy teabreak”
apart from a lighter touch, it made me think about KARMA,
the inevitable link between all events.
If I had been born Chinese, my teacup would have a lid and poor grasshopper would not have boiled his feet.
If a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon jungle,
we might end up with a taifun over here in Japan.
If the grasshopper was ment to hop in my teacup to meet his end there, well, what can I do about it but accept it with a haiku?
Has anyone ever explored the connection between haiku and karma?
I wonder?
The net of Indra comes to mind again, we were talking about it at WHCWorkshop a while ago.
Here is a great holographic version of Indra’s net :

And a great Tibetan Mandala version of Indras Net:

Googeling around about the NET of Indra on the interNET of the human mind, I found a lot more, but just some LINKS, but check them only if you have a lot of time.
This is a little too much on the weird side but who knows.
Skydancer has a lot of interesting photos and text about many places in Japan too.
Indra’s NET or the interNET,
you can get lost googeling at it, in it ...
So for now, it is time to get out of the net and to the reality of making lunch.
Today is fish, caught in a hemp NET!
The Buddha refused to deal with those things that don't lead to the extinction of dukkha (suffering). He didn't discuss them.
Take the question of whether or not there is rebirth after death.
What is reborn?
How is it reborn?
What is its “karmic inheritance”?
These questions don't aim at the extinction of dukkha. That being so, they are not the Buddha's teaching nor are they connected with it. They don't lie within the range of Buddhism. Also, the one who asks about such matters has no choice but to believe indiscriminately any answer that's given, because the one who answers won't be able to produce any proofs and will just be speaking according to his own memory and feeling.
The listener can't see for himself and consequently must blindly believe the other's words. Little by little the subject strays from dharma until it becomes something else altogether, unconnected with the extinction of dukkha.
source : - Buddhadasa Bhikkhu from "A Single Handful,"
Tricycle Winter 1996
tashoo no en 他生の縁 karma relations
close relationships in a previous life
source : www.nittaiji.com/sermon
sode fure-au mo tashoo no en 袖触れ合うも他生の縁
When our sleeves touch,
it feels like we met in a past life.
- - - - - Kobayashi Issa - - - - -
A girl named Butterfly was guiding me along a mountain path when rain suddenly began falling and continued steadily for some time.
ki no kage ya choo to yadoru mo tashoo no en
sheltering under a tree
with Butterfly -- we've met
in other lives
Tr. Chris Drake
This hokku is from a posthumous collection edited by Issa's followers. It seems to be a slight revision of an earlier hokku:
A young girl was guiding me along a mountain path when a rainstorm suddenly overtook us, and it rained hard for a while.
ki no kage ya chou to yasumu mo tashou no en
stopping under a tree
with Butterfly -- we've met
in other lives
This earlier hokku is from the 2nd month (March) of 1825, less than two years after the death of Issa's wife and his last surviving child and six months after he was divorced by his second wife after a very short marriage and temporarily lost the power of speech. A still earlier version of the hokku, written in the 10th month (November) of 1824 while Issa was unable to speak, has no headnote and has a different first line: yabu-kage ya, "beneath the leaves of a grove/thicket...."
The name Chou (Butterfly) was a common female name, and Issa didn't bother to give the information that the Sino-Japanese character for 'butterfly' was a name in his 1825 headnote, perhaps feeling it was too obvious, but in the posthumous version Issa gives the information that the word for 'butterfly' in the hokku refers to a girl named Butterfly. In this posthumous version he also uses Japanese phonetic syllabary symbols to write Chou (てふ) instead of the Sino-Japanese character for 'butterfly.' A girl's name would normally be written phonetically.
It's impossible to know what went through Issa's mind when he wrote these versions of the hokku, but in late 1824 and in 1825 he was clearly traumatized by his married and family experiences, so I wonder if Issa wasn't seeing a beautiful counter-vision of his life so far in his chance meeting with Butterfly. Could he have wondered whether in one life or another -- "other lives" can refer to the future as well as the past -- Butterfly was his daughter? Or his mother? Issa seems to think this meeting and their other unknown relationships elsewhere must be important, and the fact that she is his guide might have spiritual implications for him.
Chris Drake
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
. WKD : choochoo 蝶々 butterfly .
I don't know wheather
I know
the name of my cat is

the last step
blending truth and falsehood
karma blooming
- Shared by Zaya Nergui, Mongolia -
Joys of Japan, 2012
1 comment:
I pick first
not this petal but that
... quiet rose
The art of accepting that some things were meant to be, but then that would be more than karma. Do we make our choices or are they made for us? I don't think we're not entirely out of the picture, but then again who's to say how we ended up in the picture in the first place.
around my teacup
a moth and me
:>) Ella
*who's trying to keep it simple
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